Saturday, May 5, 2018 / by Ken Rosengren
40 Ideas for a Totally Portland Summer
I have a great 11-year-old daughter (Emily) and my wife (Susan) and I are always looking for fun local things to do, “When in Rome you do what the Romans DO” RIGHT………… SO, I was doing a search today and saw this, 40 Ideas for a Totally Portland Summer from (by the way Thank you for doing this).
So, I was looking at this and I have a few things I think Emily and Susan would love to do.
So, I was looking at this and I have a few things I think Emily and Susan would love to do.
- Scavenger Hunt at a local Farmers Market, this would be great because we have so many farmers markets in the Portland OR and SW Washington area and more popping up all the time…. I love this because we can point out 1 or 2 items we each would likeand then go find them.
- On a hot day go to a Splash Pad!! Ohh My Gosh, we have not done this since the one in Atlanta
- Volunteer something our family does in different ways however, we have not done it as a family together, I think this would be great, we have our charity that we work with The Children’s Center in Vancouver WA, where we help raise money, help with Christmas gifts for the kids, hats for children and weighted Teddy Bears for the kids, however I think we will now plan a day to go over and help them with anything they need for a day! What’s your favorite charity?
- EMILY and SUSAN LOVE Ice Cream there is an “ICE CREAM MAP” to try out the local ice cream spots!!! I think we will need to do this a few times, two-day Ice cream tour would sounds great until you do it!